This week we have:
- worked hard to make sure ALL of our books have a beginning, middle and end, even if they're nonfiction. Thinking of an end for nonfiction is MUCH more of a challenge than making an end for a fiction story.
- learned about tens and ones and arrays (groups of things lined up neatly). We are beginning to learn that multiplication is fast addition.
- read some of our favorite books during reading time in the morning. Did you know we now are able to read for 32 minutes without stopping? We've learned we are able to read that long because we LOVE the books we choose!
- started taking AR tests this week.
- continued working on our books for our upcoming writing celebration.
- watched short (as in less than four minutes) videos from National Geographic Kids about dung beetles (eww!), jungles, sea turtles, and lizards.
Things to remember for next week:
- No spelling test. We are doing a writing celebration and many time-consuming one-on-one assessments for our district...and it's a short week.
- No school November 24 and 25. Happy Thanksgiving!
- Please be sure your child is wearing a coat to school. If you are in need to a better coat, please let me know ASAP. We have some available.
Happy weekend!