Monday, November 8, 2010

Welcome to a rockin' blog!

Hi there!  Our class is going to start blogging!  I, Mrs. Overman, already have my own blog.  Find me at

But on to more interesting matters: your kiddos are going to be blogging too! We will TRY our very hardest to blog each day...that's our goal...but we're also tweeting, and this is all new to us, so we're just going to play it all by ear because we're just so very flexible!

Would you like to follow us on Twitter?  Our name is @superkiddos.  Just go to and create an account for yourself and you can spy on our whole day and talk to us too!  We'd love it!


  1. Great news . . .I'm looking forward to reading your posts.
    Happy writing,
    Mrs. Ayres

  2. Hello,
    I read about your grade 2 class using Twitter and starting a blog. Are you still looking for classrooms to tweet with?? What would that entail? How do you protect your students' identities, etc?
    Thanks for your response,

  3. Hi Elisa,
    I am still looking for classrooms to tweet with! I am gathering that most teachers aren't understanding that Twitter is safe if you are proactive to protect your students. We only tweet with people that we know who they are; I don't use the kids' names (only initials, if that); and I block anyone who tries to follow us that I don't know. Hope this helps!

  4. I look forward to following what you the superkiddos are up too!
