What made you want to come here?
The chance to meet new students.
Why did you want to be assistant principal?
Because I like working with all kids.
Why didn't you just be a regular teacher?
Because I like working with all grades and teachers.
Why didn't you want to be a recess teacher?
Because I like to help kids learn.
Why didn't you want to be an art teacher?
I'm not good at drawing.
Why didn't you want to be a nurse?
Blood scares me.
Why didn't you be a writing teacher?
I was a writing teacher.
Why didn't you want to be a janitor?
Because kids are a lot to clean up after.
What do you do?
A little bit of everything.
What do you do to help Mrs. Woodard?
Attendance, counsel kids, and discipline.
What do you do all day?
Work with teachers and kids.
Mrs. Holst--thanks for your patience in this very extensive interview! GC took a lot of time thinking of these questions. :)